godiva veliganilao reisenbichler
is a UX and interaction designer who creates products and experiences that help people navigate the complex systems and emerging technologies they interact with every day.

The Blue Dot: A User’s Guide
design research, UX, IxD, exhibitionThe Blue Dot: A User’s Guide deconstructs what it means to have a blue dot. The project invites people to reconstruct their physical and digital user experience with Google Maps by spatially inhabiting the mobile app’s navigation interfaces.

Topos: AI in the Urban Landscape
design research, AI, UX, IxD, speculativeTopos is a speculative design project which proposes a public-facing, tangible user interface (TUI) that makes legible and accessible the AI systems embedded in near-future urban landscapes.

Pacific Visions
Aquarium of the Pacificspatial experience, UX, IxD, art direction
Pacific Visions, an expansion opening at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Spring 2019, will be the most powerful educational platform for communicating the challenges and opportunities of the World Ocean. I provided creative direction, design frameworks, and experience design for interactive exhibitions in Pacific Visions.

Reconstructing Practice
Antiracist ClassroomUX, spatial experience, exhibition
Reconstructing Practice is a two-day convening organized by the student-led organization Antiracist Classroom. As a co-founder of Antiracist Classroom, I shaped the spatial experience design for this event.

Faceted Prototyping
Animistic Collaborators in Mixed RealityAR, MR, AI, UX, IxD, speculative
Faceted Prototyping is part of Phil van Allen’s research project, Animistic Collaborators in Mixed Reality. The project utilized the Microsoft Hololens to develop mixed reality demos around new approaches for AI-based collaboration in the creative context of product design.

Depository: Trash in Mixed Reality
UX, IxD, AR, MR, speculativeDepository: Trash in Mixed Reality uses the Microsoft Hololens to prototype a new set of interactions for dealing with the clutter of digital objects. How do you “take out the trash” in mixed reality?

Third Party: Your IRL Social Mediator
UX, IxD, speculativeThird Party is a speculative mobile device that explores social etiquette and conventions around awkward conversations. It physicalizes the idea of "making a graceful exit" from awkward, compromising, or uninteresting social interactions.
graphic, publicationMy co-editors and I started Propositions as a space for thesis students at Media Design Practices to construct and participate in our own unique critical discourse about design and technology.